MAJ 17/10/16
The error code 5B00 means the waste ink counter is full, you need to reset it.
First, search and download the resetter PCM_servicetool (.rar)
Step 1: enter in service mode in order to used the resetter:
- Turn off the printer without pulling the power cords.
- Hold down Resume button and press Power button.
- Keep holding down Power button and let Resume button go.
- Then Press Resume button 5 times then let both buttons go.
- The Alternate Blinking error is gone: the printer is in Service Mode state.
Step 2:
- Extract the resetter and double click "servicetool.exe"
- Click Reload Button and you will get a new USB port.
- Load some papers in your printer and press the "Main" Button, wait until it shows "error 001" then press OK.
- Then press "EEPROM" button and the printer will print some text, after that click OK
- Then power off the printer (sometimes you have to press twice the power button to turn off) and turn on again.
- That's done.
- Error 005: the printer is not compatible with this service tool
- Error 006 with the Service tool:
is it at the service tool menu or in printer ( main=power, reload=resume )
what is resetter???
The "Main" is not a button, but rather the option. Under "Ink Absorber Counter" make sure the Main option is set, and then click the set button.
Hope it helps someone else.
RELOAD buttton ,i can find it
Try this: unplug the printer for 10 minutes. Then plug in and switch on
Try this for the message "printer is offline":